Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Little Miss curly Q
I got a wild hair a few days back and decided I would try and curl MaKaylee's hair. Well 30 minutes later with the bathroom door shut and chasing her from one end to the other of the bathroom... and the hardest part trying not to let her reach up and burn her self with the iron.The end result turned out pretty darn cute!!What do you think??

Pumpkin Patch
Last week we were traveling home from Oregon and stopped at a cute little fruit stand that had a pumpkin patch. We were able to go out on a fun ride out to the pumpkin patch and also got some veggies and apples before the season ends. The kids had a fun time and were excited to pick there own pumpkins out.

Carving Pumpkins
Carving pumpkins this year at our house was a hit... Dustin was content as long as his Mom could carve any pattern of his choice!! He thought it looked easy hours later still trying to figure it out. The pumpkin guts were a hit for MaKaylee she liked the slime and gooeniess of the insides of the pumpkin. My favorite was watching her stick her head into the pumpkin like it was really big and deep. Later on we lit candles and watched them glow the white ones were the funnest to look at. Happy Halloween everyone!!

Happy Late Birthday to my Sweetheart
Friday, October 15, 2010
Down Syndrome Awareness
Up until March 29, 2009 the words Down Syndrome had absolutley no meaning to me. Our daughter MaKaylee was born blue and her temperture was not stable 9 hours later we were told our daughter would need to be transfered to a to a facility with a NICU. Later finding out that sweet angel had a heart defect(complete AV Canal). After finding this out we were still unsure what had to be done to repair this defect or if it could even be fixed. We finally met with MaKaylee's cardioligost Dr. Womack. He did a very great job at calming our fears until he said a ??% of babies born with heart defects have Down Syndrome my heart stopped... the thoughts going through my mind where "why me I know nothing" and "how could this happen to me I can't handle this" a 5 day stay in the NICU and we were sent home. Still wondering and in complete shock while falling in love with her sweet face and her pudgy body more each day. Almost two years later a heart surgery, a billion doctor visits, therapy and lots of hard work. I know today more than I did before March 29, 09....I know that the joy that comes from these sweet sprits is so incredible words cannot describe. The things she has taught our family may be small and simple things but, to us this it what matters most in life. We Love you MaKaylee!!
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